A Checklist of Summer Clothing to Store

When you’re prepping your #closets for #fall, you may be unsure just what can go into #storage bins and #donation bags. Likely candidates are flip-flops, espadrilles, sandals and other open-toed shoes; light cardigan sweaters; tropical prints; beach dresses, swimwear and summer rompers; and shorts and linen pants. If you don’t typically travel to warmer climates, all of these items can be stored out of sight — under the bed or on a high shelf — until you need them again in six months, says My Closet Edit. “If you do need access to your items for travel, you can have all of the off-season items to one side of your #closet or in a whole other closet in your home.”

It’s Time to Sort and Store Your Summer Clothing

Now that #summer is over, you may find that your warm-weather #clothing is getting in the way of — or getting in the way of locating — the pants, shirts, sweaters and coats you want to wear for #fall. It’s time to do a seasonal #wardrobe swap! Gather space bags, shoe bags, #bins and labels, and sort all of that summer gear out of your #closet and into #storage for the #winter, says Apartment Therapy. Also have some bags for any #garments you find that can be trashed immediately or #donated to help #veterans through ClothingDonations.org. You’ll be thrilled to rediscover your cold-weather clothing and be able to #organize and find it easily. #ClothingSwap

Fall Fashion for the Fastidious Declutterer

September is when the haute couture #fashion houses release their new designs for the year. And while few people can afford to shop the actual runway looks of Paris, New York and Milan themselves, the annual tradition helps set the trends and drives demand for new #clothing at every price point.

This year, the hottest #fall #fashions for women include the relaxed suit, the track pant, the draped top and the corduroy vest, according to Vogue. Men will be wearing knit hoodies, cardigans, rollneck sweaters and long trenchcoats, GQ says.

If you follow the #styles, you may have a lot of #clothes from past seasons in your #closets and drawers. Some may fit perfectly and look great season after season, while other garments may be a bit snug, outdated or just plain unflattering.

With the weather starting to turn cooler and new fall styles hitting the stores, it’s a great time to take stock of your #wardrobe. Do so before you start any fall clothes #shopping, so everything will have a place in your #closet and your personal style.

Start by purging your #closets and #drawers. Take everything out and try things on. Sort your clothes into “love it,” “hate it” and “maybe” piles, says fashion blogger Jo-Lynne Shane. The love-its can eventually go back in the closet, and the hate-its — at least the lightly used ones — can go directly into a #donation pile.

Clothes that just don’t get worn can go in the donation pile, too; there’s no benefit to save #garments for someday. “Once you ruthlessly purge your closet and get rid of all the stuff you don’t wear and don’t love, you can start to rebuild your wardrobe into one you will love to wear,” Shane says.

Once you’re done, you might be surprised at all of the #space you once dedicated to unflattering, ill-fitting and otherwise useless clothing. Contact ClothingDonations.org for a #free #donation #pickup and say goodbye to those garments for good.

Afterward, reward yourself with one or two new pieces if you feel like it. You’ll have a streamlined, stylish wardrobe in no time and help the nation’s #veterans, to boot!

Supporting POW/MIA Accountability

Earlier this year, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency identified the remains of U.S. Air Force Maj. John Creighton Gillespie Kerr, leaving the number of Americans still missing in action and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War at 1,576. The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) and its local chapters help find and identify MIA remains through its Veterans Initiative Program, which uses artifacts taken from battlefields such as maps, after-action reports, pictures and other items to help locate the remains of those who gave their lives in service. Your #donations of used #clothing and #household goods to ClothingDonations.org support this program and many others that help living veterans on a daily basis. Schedule a #pickup today! #NationalPOW/MIARecognitionDay

How to Observe National POW/MIA Recognition Day

You can #honor American military personnel who were held as prisoners of war and for those still unaccounted for on Sept. 20, National POW/MIA Recognition Day. The solemn event will be celebrated at military installations, veterans organizations and national landmarks such as the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to stress the importance of bringing home those who remain missing. Get involved by attending a ceremony, observing a moment of silence, flying the #POW/MIA flag, learning more about the history and experiences of POWs and MIAs, or #donating to or volunteering with a #veterans organization. #NationalPOW/MIARecognitionDay