Join a Global Cleanup Event on Sept. 20

Sept. 20, is World Cleanup Day, an opportunity for individuals and communities to reduce solid wastes and contribute to a #cleaner, #healthier and more beautiful planet.’s Great Global Cleanup® is helping stage trash pickup events in parks, waterways and beaches worldwide to help beautify the surroundings and protect wildlife habitats, cut pollution, and build a more sustainable future. Get involved by joining a cleanup event or organizing one of your own with the Great Global Cleanup Toolkit. You can make a difference in the health of the planet! #WorldCleanupDay # GreatGlobalCleanup

Recognizing National POW/MIA Day

In 1979, Congress passed a resolution establishing POW/MIA Recognition Day after the families of the more than 2,500 #Vietnam War POW/MIAs pushed for full accountability. Observed on the third Friday in September each year at the Pentagon, military installations, state capitols, schools and #veterans’ facilities, the day honors those who were held captive and returned home, as well as those who remain missing. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency indicates that more than 81,600 American service members remain missing from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars and other conflicts. #POW/MIA

Celebrating National Grandparents Day

Observed on the Sunday after Labor Day each year, National Grandparents Day is a relatively new holiday recognizing the contributions of family elders. Elder activist Marian McQuade — herself the grandmother to 43 children — first championed the concept in 1970, hoping to give families an occasion to connect with patients in nursing care.

West Virginia became the first state to issue a proclamation establishing a Grandparents Day in 1973, and 42 others followed. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a bill designating the Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day starting the following year.

The day should “honor grandparents, give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer,” according to the law. McQuade urged the nation’s youth to “adopt” a grandparent and focus on family time, rather than commercialization.

To celebrate, ask seniors to share their knowledge with grandchildren, suggests. Maybe they like to fish; ask them to demonstrate how. If they like to garden, volunteer a day of yardwork with the grandkids. If they have a favorite recipe, make and enjoy it together. If they have a favorite movie, watch it. The point is to spend quality time together.

Grandparents might appreciate reminiscing with family members; go through their old photo albums and listen to any stories they inspire. Members of the younger, digital-savvy generations can help grandparents #organize those memories by sorting photos into digital albums or printing out a few favorites to frame and hang on the wall.

One thing grandparents often need to do as they age is #downsize. They will appreciate any help you and their grandchildren can lend, and may even wish to offload a few family heirlooms or trinkets for safekeeping. If there’s any #stuff they no longer need or want, you can send it directly to by requesting a #free #donation #pickup.

Grandparents are repositories of family memories, knowledge and wisdom. Remember to celebrate National Grandparents Day with the elders in your family this week!

Labor Day Offers a New Beginning

While you could book a last-minute trip to celebrate Labor Day, the beginning of September represents new beginnings, Her Agenda says. It’s (nearly) a new season, and the day off presents an opportunity to #purge some of the old #stuff you no longer use. Take a day to go through your house and figure out what you don’t need. “This three-day weekend is the perfect time to throw on Netflix or a podcast and start digging through the closet and building a ‘donate’ pile.” Once you have that pile, contact for a #free #donation #pickup — and enjoy the rest of the weekend unburdened. #LaborDay

Go Ahead and Wear White After Labor Day

Fashionistas may tell you that you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day. But the rule emerged around the same time as the nation’s labor movement in the 19th century, The Pioneer Woman says. Wearing white was associated with keeping cool, but workers tended to wear darker clothing to hide the dirt and stains a hard day’ labor would produce. Wealthy people continued to wear white on rural holidays in the off-season, but gradually adopted the custom of wearing white during #summer only. Regardless, the rule no longer needs to be followed; while winter temperatures might demand heavier fabrics, wear whatever colors you like. #LaborDay