Tales from the Closet


Jul 14, 2015

All Aboard the Vacation Express!

Now that you’ve spring/summer cleaned, you’ve had your garage sale, and you’ve sorted through your kids’ used and unused school supplies, you deserve to relax. More specifically, you need a relaxing summer vacation. With many summer school classes, camps, and activities winding down in mid-July and early-August, this is the perfect time to pack up […]
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Jun 29, 2015

Home is Where the Heart (and the Stuff) Is!

Summer represents different things for all of us. For some of us, it means spending hours sitting beside a pool or lying on a beach soaking in the sun. For others, it’s a time for summer camps, fun summer school classes, and taking family vacations. For some of us, though, summer is a great time […]
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Jun 15, 2015

Let Your Garage Protect Your Car—Not all of Your Stuff!

You may have already done your spring cleaning and had your garage sale, but often times there is one spot people forget to clean: the garage. This seems like an obvious place to clean and organize, but for many people, the garage is a place where things get stored when there’s no other place to […]
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Jun 3, 2015

Summer Vacation Doesn’t Have to Mean Summer Clutter!

We can hear it now—the final bell ringing that announces the end of another school year, the bus pulling up to your driveway, and dropping your kids off for a fun, sunshine-filled summer vacation. Or maybe you’re returning home with a college student who is all finished with their first year. Either situation means that […]
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May 18, 2015

To Garage Sale or To Donate? That is The Question!

Spring is officially underway, friends! We’ve cracked open the windows, spring cleaned, and made a pile of clothes and other items we no longer need. Now, what should we do with them? For most of us, the answer is simple: have a garage sale. Holding a garage sale seems like a natural step after spring […]
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Celebrating National Grandparents Day

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Keep Your Car Clutter-Free

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Camp Out for a Thrifty Summer Getaway

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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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