Tales from the Closet


May 5, 2015

Prepare Your Closets — It’s Time for Spring!

Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s a time when the idea of “spring cleaning” elicits excitement, rather than dread or drudgery, because we know sunshine and warm weather are right around the corner. We open the windows, let in the fresh air, and begin to think about the areas around our […]
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Create a beautiful living room

Mar 2, 2015

How to Bring Your Living Room Back to Life

If you feel that it’s finally time to make some changes in your living room, it’s important to find a look that fits both your taste and lifestyle, before investing in new furniture and decorative touches. Our how-to guide will help you turn your living room into the cozy oasis it should be: Inspiration: Check out […]
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Feb 2, 2015

6 Tips to Help Busy Parents Stay Organized

1. Clear the clutter: Before implementing any new strategies, take time to remove the excess from your home. Sort through a drawer or two at night and create a place for everything. Use baskets to organize kids’ toys, games, etc., and while you’re organizing be sure to toss out the things that are damaged and donate the things […]
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Create a beautiful living room

Jan 22, 2015

How to Bring Your Living Room Back to Life

If you feel that it’s finally time to make some changes in your living room, it’s important to find a look that fits both your taste and lifestyle, before investing in new furniture and decorative touches. Our how-to guide will help you turn your living room into the cozy oasis it should be: Inspiration: Check out […]
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Dec 16, 2014

How to Choose a Charity

1. Do your research: What is the charity’s purpose? Does its mission meet your areas of concern/interest? Keep in mind that it’s always best to choose a local organization where your efforts have the ability to make a significant impact. 2. Ask questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions to gain a better understanding of the organization’s profits […]
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Celebrating National Grandparents Day

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Keep Your Car Clutter-Free

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Camp Out for a Thrifty Summer Getaway

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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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