Start Your Spring-Cleaning Engines!
Thursday, March 20, marks the beginning of #spring. The Organizing Blog’s favorite season, spring gives people everywhere a great incentive to #clean and #organize their homes. #Spring #cleaning is a time-honored tradition. Over a long winter shut tight against the cold, homes tend to gather dirt and grime. It’s time to throw the windows open […]
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Quick Tips
Celebrate National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Prune Trees and Source Plants Early in Spring
Planting Your First Flower Garden
Plan Your Garden for an Ongoing Harvest
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Celebrate National Vietnam War Veterans Day
This may be final year of Vietnam War 50th Year Commemoration observances, but National Vietnam War #Veterans Day will continue to be observed every year on March 29. It’s an opportunity to thank and honor the nation’s #Vietnam #veterans and their families for their #service and #sacrifice, as well as recognize the contributions of the armed forces, support organizations and American citizens during the war; highlight the technology, scientific and medical advances made in that time; and recognize the contributions of the nation’s international allies. Attend an event this weekend! #NationalVietnamWarVeteransDay
Prune Trees and Source Plants Early in Spring
#Gardening tasks to pursue early in the season include pruning trees and shrubs, The Spruce says, because you can visualize their shape better before they bud and grow leaves. Also consider sourcing any must-haves for your #garden well ahead of planting time, including hard-to-find or popular flower and vegetable varieties and gardening tools. Clean and sharpen your existing tools and containers in preparation for spring, or look for new-to-you tools and supplies at the #thrift and #secondhand stores supplied by generous #donations to ClothingDonations.org. #GardenPlanning
Planting Your First Flower Garden
Are you a first-timer when it comes to #flower #gardening? Planning can be tricky, but the rewards will be a bright and colorful space that you can enjoy throughout the spring, summer and fall. First, consider the location of potential #garden plots, says Three Acre Farm. Many colorful flowers require lots of sun to succeed, and most need regular watering and rich soil. Map out your new garden location on paper and start small — doing more than you’re ready for can lead to disappointment. Fortunately, #flowers such as cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers and calendula are very forgiving and available in a rainbow of colors. #GardenPlanning
Plan Your Garden for an Ongoing Harvest
So you’ve decided to create a #vegetable #garden. It’s easy to grow a couple of tomato plants, says Almanac, but bigger plans will require consideration of where plants will go and when each should be planted. Cool-weather crops such as lettuce, radishes and peas flourish in early spring, while warm-weather vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers can’t go into the ground until the soil warms up. Know time to maturity, too — tomatoes typically take 90 days or more to harvest, while you’ll be picking lettuce in just a few weeks. With forethought, you’ll enjoy variety of fresh vegetables for months! #GardenPlanning