Observing National Give Something Away Day

July 15 is National Give Something Away Day, a calendar holiday launched in 2015 that invites people everywhere to #give something — anything — to friends, family and the less fortunate; be more aware of one’s carbon footprint; and practice mindful consumerism. Lofty goals!

But don’t hesitate — National Give Something Away Day is easy to observe. All you have to do is exercise some generosity with your money and possessions, and maybe reduce the number of things you own in the process.

For example, if you have an article of clothing, a knickknack or a piece of jewelry that a family member or friend might like better or get more use from, give it to them. Even #giving something as small as a compliment qualifies.

Consider giving the gift of time by volunteering at a local nonprofit such as an animal shelter, food bank or veterans home. Help an elderly neighbor with their yardwork or shopping. Donate needed supplies to a homeless shelter, school or charitable organization.

To make giving really easy, do a wholesale #decluttering and give a bunch of things away all at once. Go through a drawer, closet or room and sort out the things you don’t need; you may be surprised at how much you can do without.

“The world can always use more kindness and generosity,” says Mostly Mindful. “Why not view the day as an opportunity to give the things you no longer need to someone who could use them? After all, there’s no point keeping something if it’s just gathering dust.”

Put that extra stuff in bags or boxes and contact ClothingDonations.org for a free #donation #pickup. You’ll be celebrating National Give Something Away Day while funding programs that provide the nation’s #veterans with food, health care and other sustaining programs.

Giving is a simple act that can brighten another person’s day and effect real, positive change. Observe National Give Something Away Day to get started, and seek out ways to #give throughout the year. #NationalGiveSomethingAwayDay

Don’t Forget Living Veterans on Memorial Day

While Memorial Day honors those who have made the ultimate #sacrifice in #service to the nation, it never hurts to support living #veterans, too. Many know the sacrifice personally, and lived to tell the tale. Some need assitance such as health care, financial support or simple companionship. That’s where ClothingDonations.org comes in: By collecting and reselling #donations of lightly used clothing, small appliances, furniture and other household goods, we help fund valuable #veterans programs throughout the country, helping all who served access housing, health care and benefits claims, as well as offering fellowship. #MemorialDay

5 Ways to Shop Sustainably This Holiday Season

You’ve got a dilemma: You want to give gifts that your friends and family will love during the holiday season, but you want to do so without creating undue environmental impact — not such an easy task in today’s global economy.

Mass-market merchandise requires raw materials — petroleum products, rare-earth minerals and so on — that are often toxic to extract. Manufacturing byproducts and product packaging go into landfills and oceans, where they can last thousands of years.

What’s more, even things that break down or recycle easily often travel long distances to get to your front door, using fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources. So even if you buy imported foods for the holiday feast, you add more carbon to the atmosphere.

But there are ways to at least minimize your impact during the #holidays:

1. Support small, local businesses. The closer you are to the product’s source, the less fuel it takes to get to you. Locally grown foodstuffs and handmade items — that one-of-a-kind scarf from the craft fair, for example — have minimal environmental impact and are usually better than anything you can find at a big-box store.

2. Shop sustainable businesses. Businesses that pledge to recycle, use #sustainable materials, plant trees and offset carbon emissions are easier on the environment; just be wary of claims that seem too good to be true. “Fast fashion” brands are some of the worst for creating trash.

3. Give an experience. Tickets to the movies, a local play or concert; a restaurant meal; or gift certificate to a yoga session, spa or salon make great gifts that don’t require a lot of sweatshop labor or create extra greenhouse gases.

4. Shop the thrift. Giving used goods a second chance is a great way to keep lots of clothing and household items out of landfills while saving money. Bonus? Buy from a #thrift shop supplied by #donations to ClothingDonations.org, and you’ll help fund veterans programs.

5. Donate. #Charitable organizations need help on Giving Tuesday and throughout the year. Choose a cause that aligns with your giftee’s goals and #give in their name. It won’t be the same as unwrapping the latest air fryer or smart speaker, but still makes a thoughtful #gift.

#Giving can be its own reward — especially if you shop #sustainably.

Start the School Year Clutter-Free

It’s back-to-school time, and if you are a parent of a student or a student yourself, you know that the sudden influx of homework, books and other supplies makes it a challenge to stay #organized and on top of tasks. But several strategies can help manage all that #stuff better while keeping track of assignments, due dates and extracurricular activities.

Parents can help young students stay #organized by streamlining the household environment. Invest in a chore chart, white board and academic planner, Good Housekeeping suggests. And to keep clothing, books, shoes and other items from getting #disorganized, get as many shelves, bins and cubbies as you need and label them.

A homework station is a good idea for students of all ages — and WFH parents, too. You’ll need a rolling cart, plastic storage baskets, a dry-erase calendar and a desk, Woman’s Day says. Post a calendar, a daily schedule and a pegboard organizer or bulletin board nearby, and it will be easier to keep track of tasks and needed supplies.

Teens who build good habits in school will keep them their whole lives. Student empowerment specialist Daniel Wong offers 30 tips on using routines to stay focused, get homework done on time and still have time to relax with family and friends.

One is to #declutter one’s #workspace on a weekly basis. “Look through all the papers, notes, brochures, and other things you’ve accumulated,” Wong says. “Recycle or throw away all the things you don’t need. Clutter attracts clutter, so if you declutter once a week, you’ll be more likely to stay organized in general.”

#Thrift stores supplied by #donations of clothing and goods to ClothingDonations.org are a great place to look for lightly used organizers, baskets and bins. You might even find a good selection of stylish #clothing that growing students can wear to #school at prices that won’t break the bank.

And if you find anything your students won’t be needing in the as they move ahead in school — disused sporting goods, books, outgrown clothing, etc. — contact ClothingDonations.org to schedule a free, contactless #donation #pickup. Here’s to a happy, healthy school year!

Gardening Season Has Begun

An unusually cold and rainy spring has finally given way to warm and sunny weather in most of the country. If you haven’t yet planted your summer #vegetable or #flower #garden, there is no time like the present.

While starting seeds indoors is the #thriftiest option, you’ll likely need to turn to the local garden center for plants that are ready to go into the ground. Now is the perfect time to plant summer-maturing plants such as corn and tomatoes.

All is not lost if you start a little late, Gilmour says. You can plant a couple of weeks late in the season, or choose vegetables, fruits and flowers that thrive and produce late in the growing season.

You’ll need to prepare the soil for whatever plants you pick. Vegetables grow best in rich, crumbly, loam soil, says Family Handyman. Tilling and amending sandy or clay soils with compost, peat, manure and other soil builders can help plants thrive.

After planting, press the soil surrounding your seedling firmly in place and water as needed. You may need to support plants such as tomatoes (which grow too tall to support their own weight) or send out vines (like grapes and beans).

Why do all of this? Because you can often get a much more flavorful and nutritious end product than you’d ever be able to buy at the grocery store at a fraction of the price. We at The Organizing Blog plant a variety of tomatoes every year for that simple fact. Is there anything better than a #homegrown tomato?

If you prefer decorative gardening, a perennial garden only requires a little bit of thinning each year. That said, you’ll want to weed and tend any beds soon, and help new plants get established to fill in any bare spots.

Container gardens, too, are an excellent option for those low on space. To slash the cost of getting started or adding to a container garden, shop the #thrift stores supplied by generous donations to ClothingDonations.org for lightly used pots and window boxes.

Whatever you decide to grow, gardening can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby that requires only a little bit of attention each week. And the time to get started is now!