Declutter as You Decorate

The season is upon us! And in the process of digging out boxes of decorations to bedeck your home, you have likely discovered some clothing and household items — holiday-themed and not — that are no longer your style or too worn to use. Do yourself a favor, and set that junk aside for donation or toss it in the trash now, while you’re looking at it. If you just shove those things aside to get to your decorations, they will still be there a year from now, and they will still be getting in the way. Luckily, has pickups available throughout the holidays, so you can declutter as you spread the cheer.

Giving Tuesday Encourages Charity

Right after Cyber Monday is Giving Tuesday—a day that invites all Americans to lend their time, energy and financial support to charitable organizations of all kinds. Check out suggestions for contributing in your area at the Giving Tuesday site, and for an easy way to donate to a worthy cause, call to schedule a pickup of unwanted clothing and other items. They’ll fund local programs that benefit the nation’s veterans.

Make Room for Your Black Friday Buys

Since the advent of the indoor mall, the day after Thanksgiving — Black Friday — has become a holiday unto itself. The overwhelming, all-American desire to get a good deal on holiday gifts has made the day a huge event for consumers. And retailers are only too happy to oblige, since many chains look to the last two months of the year as their biggest opportunity to command a profit for the year.

Retail stores expect to post $3 billion in sales this Friday, up 11.5% from 2015. And Black Friday’s online corollary, Cyber Monday, is set to match those figures. In fact, Black Friday is no longer just a single day; Amazon launched 35 straight days of “Black Friday” promotions last week, offering a new deal every five minutes through Dec. 22. And eBay, Macy’s, Target and Walmart aren’t far behind; many retail stores will open when the sun sets on the Thanksgiving feast.

As you head to the malls and superstores this year to get a great deal on a big-screen TV or Playstation VR system, don’t forget that you’ll have to make room for those bargain finds. Because for every people-pleasing gift of Black Fridays past, there’s a sweater that just didn’t fit, a toy nobody liked or a countertop appliance that was used once before getting shoved to the back of a closet.

Bag up that unwanted apparel and other items and call for a pickup. They’ll be taken to a thrift shop and resold, putting them into the hands of people who use and appreciate them while funding programs that benefit the nation’s veterans. You’ll earn a tax deduction, and be secure in the knowledge that the deals you found on previous Black Fridays and abandoned won’t add to landfills.

You’ll also give thanks for the newfound space you can use to hide any deals you find this Black Friday and Cyber Monday before you wrap them up for gift-giving. And that will make for happy shopping and a happy holiday!

The Shopping Season Starts Now

Now that the election is over, TV ads are reminding people that Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s time to start shopping for gifts. As you go on the hunt for bargains, don’t forget that you can also weed out purchases from previous years that you no longer use by boxing them up and calling to schedule a pickup.

Tis the Season for Giving!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, the holiday season is underway. It’s the season for holiday cheer, getting together with family and friends, and buying gifts for loved ones. This might also be a time that reminds us of gifts that we stored away at the end of last season. For many people, the idea of re-gifting is offensive and rude; but not to us! would be thrilled to receive any items you no longer use. Whether it’s brand new and unopened, or gently used, we’d be happy to take these items off of your hands. They can be actual gifts you’ve received and forgot to return, or they can be items you’ve found around your home that you no longer use.

Given that the holidays involve colder weather, a good donation for us is winter clothing. Any coats, sweatshirts, mittens, hats, and other warm clothes will help keep veterans, and others in need, stay warm and toasty throughout the holidays. Other items we could use this holiday season are baby clothes and toys, kitchenware, and home décor such as curtains, tables, and more.

When you donate to, re-gifting is completely acceptable. Simply put your items in a box clearly marked with the word “donations, ” and then call us, or go to our website to schedule a time for us to pick up your donations. We’ll swing by and pick them up for you so that you don’t need to take time out of your busy holiday schedule! Not only will your donations be a gift, or a warm blessing, for someone this year, but all proceeds will go toward veterans’ programs. You’ll be helping many people this season, bringing holiday cheer to all!