Save Time by Observing National Get Organized Day

Do you often struggle to find your keys, wallet, remote controls or driver’s license? These are symptoms of #clutter and #disorganization, says the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, that cost the average American 8,700 hours of time — a full year of their lives. National Get Organized Day on Friday, April 26 presents the perfect opportunity to reclaim that time and the physical and psychological benefits that that come with living and working in #clean, #organized spaces. Think of the time you’ll save when you no longer have to dig through the #clutter to help you find whatever item you need! #NationalGetOrganizedDay

Organize the Spaces That Often Get Neglected

Even the most organized people have areas they neglect to #organize and #declutter, Real Homes says. These areas likely include the #junk drawer — that catch-all space that holds everything pens to pills to old phones. The pantry is another area that gathers random items (sometimes in multiples) and must be #cleaned and #organized regularly to avoid eating expired foodstuffs. Linen closets should contain only the towels and bedding you actually use, not the many backups used for cleaning or guests. Instead of neglecting these spaces, tackle them before everything else, professional organizers suggest.

Leap Into Spring Cleaning

It’s difficult for busy people to find the time to tackle their many #organizing and #cleaning tasks, The Kitchn says. The good news? Every Leap Year offers a full extra day to #declutter, #organize and #clean the trouble spots in your home. Take advantage of that extra 24 hours to organize a kitchen cabinet, pantry or countertop; #purge and #donate the cookbooks you don’t use; or go on a full #decluttering “spree” with a #donation bag or box a the ready. It’s also a great time to wipe down and #sanitize things that escape routine cleaning, such as windows, ceiling fans, ovens, baseboards and picture frames. #SpringCleaning #LeapDay

Giving Up Clutter for Lent and Life

Lent is a Christian observance commemorating the 40 days that Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry. Those who observe the period typically mark it with prayer, fasting and personal sacrifice.

A Lenten sacrifice is a spiritually motivated, voluntary renunciation of a pleasure or luxury. Common modern-day Lenten sacrifices include abstaining from meat-eating, chocolate, sweets and alcohol. Some people attempt to eschew “sinful” behaviors such as profanity.

Not every faith observes Lent, of course, but each of the major religions has a holiday observed through fasting and sacrifice. Regardless of faith or level of observance, the Organizing Blog suggests that there is something you can give up today for the betterment of everyone: #clutter.

#Decluttering can help you lead a more spiritual existence. When you don’t have to tend to all of the #stuff you’ve collected over the years, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on what really matters: health, family and well-being.

Establish a simple Lenten goal: “I’ll spend one hour per day #sorting through my stuff.” “I’ll #declutter one #closet per week.” “I’ll #clean and #organize my kitchen and bathrooms by Easter.” “I’ll fill X number of boxes and bags with stuff I no longer need or want.”

What would Jesus do? Granted, we live in different times, but he almost certainly would not let a bunch of clothing that doesn’t fit, disused household appliances and mass-market tchotchkes pile up and bog him down. He traveled light.

There’s another aspect of Lent and other seasonal observances demand: almsgiving. It’s charitable giving that puts the needs of others ahead of your own — sharing your time, money and material possessions with others, and especially those less fortunate. can help with this. Once you’ve #decluttered and gathered up the things you don’t want, contact us for a #free #donation #pickup. We’ll take those lightly used goods and resell them to #help the nation’s #veterans.

Once you see the results from your Lenten sacrifice, decluttering could become a lifelong habit. Have a safe and happy Lent!

Clean Up Before Christmas

#Holiday entertaining should start with a #clean house. #Declutter and clean any areas of the house that need it or will see heavy duty in the days ahead, including bathroom, kitchen and floors. Then, keep the menu simple. “You don’t need every side dish or appetizer in the world,” Bread Booze Bacon says. “Choose options that pair well with the wine, cocktails or beverage you’re planning to serve and stick to the basics. If you want more options, ask your guests to bring a specific course. You can worry about cooking a little less, and nine times out of 10, they’re happy to bring something in lieu of a hostess gift.” #LastMinuteHolidayTips