In Search of a Clutter-Free Summer

Memorial Day — the unofficial start of summer— has come and gone. If you’re anything like us at The Organizing Blog, you probably used the long weekend to plant some flowers, take a bike ride, visit with friends and/or have a cookout. Fine pursuits!

But do you know what can make one’s enjoyment of those pursuits (and most others) even better? #Organization! A #clutter-free environment knows no season — and it can provide you with the #clarity you need to truly live in the moment.

Think about it: A cluttered space demands attention. Maybe you waste a lot of time looking for things among the stacks of papers, piles of laundry and dusty gewgaws. Or maybe wrangling all that #stuff leaves you with little down time.

Summer is a great time to get those things under control. With good weather and a few hours each week, you can conquer that #clutter — and enjoy all of the seasons to come.

Start with the #garage. Has that #space attracted a lot of stuff that doesn’t have a home elsewhere ? Go through it and ask yourself why you hide #junk there and if you’ll ever really need those things again. Weed out what you don’t have a use for and set it aside.

Along the way, fine-tune your storage of the things that do have a purpose — even if that purpose is occasional, such as holiday decorations. Sort “like” items into labeled bins and boxes that you can find and access easily without a lot of hunting. Shelve or stack them thoughtfully, and you’ll be creating new space!

Next, do the same for the basement. Organizing your below-ground space likely will have the added benefit of helping you keep cool while you work. Set aside the things for which you don’t have a purpose or can’t find a place, and put them in boxes and bags.

See that growing pile of #junk? Slap some price tags on those things and have a quick #garage or #yard #sale. Or click though to to arrange a #free #donation #pickup. You’ll be #helping the nation’s #veterans and be ready to enjoy the rest of the summer #clutter-free!

Earth Day 2024 Focuses on Reducing Plastic Pollution

Earth Day is almost here! The annual celebration of the planet and its ecosystems reminds consumers that it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment and  secure a sustainable and healthy future.

The theme for Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs. Plastics. In order to protect human and planetary health, is targeting a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040, with the ultimate goal of a plastic-free future.

When plastics break down, they release toxic chemicals into the ecosystem, contaminating the food, water and air consumed by humans and other living creatures. Plastics also demand vast amounts of resources to create, so anything you can to avoid their use is good for the earth.

Start by carrying a reusable bag for your purchases. The average plastic bag is used for less than 20 minutes, but can survive hundreds of years in landfills. And despite the best efforts, they have proved to be nearly impossible to recycle; only 1% are returned to stores.

If you eat meals on the go, carry a set of reusable flatware instead of accepting a plastic fork, knife, spoon or spork. Borrow a set from the kitchen or invest in a camp-style kit to contribute less to plastic pollution. Add a stainless steel straw for good measure!

Plastics are everywhere. “Fast fashion” — cheap garments that are designed to be disposable — are a leading source of pollution, too. Many are made of petroleum-based microfibers — plastics that pollute the waterways when washed. And most cheap garments end up in landfills after only a few months’ wear.

To dress more #sustainably, shop smarter: Buy fewer higher-quality #garments that will last several seasons or years rather than trendy throwaways. Scour #secondhand and #thrift stores for quality #clothing, and you can save money while protecting the earth.

And always #donate any lightly-used #clothing you no longer wear to instead of throwing it away. Those garments can have a second useful life instead of clogging the local landfill. These and other small steps can contribute to conservation. Happy Earth Day!

Giving Up Clutter for Lent and Life

Lent is a Christian observance commemorating the 40 days that Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry. Those who observe the period typically mark it with prayer, fasting and personal sacrifice.

A Lenten sacrifice is a spiritually motivated, voluntary renunciation of a pleasure or luxury. Common modern-day Lenten sacrifices include abstaining from meat-eating, chocolate, sweets and alcohol. Some people attempt to eschew “sinful” behaviors such as profanity.

Not every faith observes Lent, of course, but each of the major religions has a holiday observed through fasting and sacrifice. Regardless of faith or level of observance, the Organizing Blog suggests that there is something you can give up today for the betterment of everyone: #clutter.

#Decluttering can help you lead a more spiritual existence. When you don’t have to tend to all of the #stuff you’ve collected over the years, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on what really matters: health, family and well-being.

Establish a simple Lenten goal: “I’ll spend one hour per day #sorting through my stuff.” “I’ll #declutter one #closet per week.” “I’ll #clean and #organize my kitchen and bathrooms by Easter.” “I’ll fill X number of boxes and bags with stuff I no longer need or want.”

What would Jesus do? Granted, we live in different times, but he almost certainly would not let a bunch of clothing that doesn’t fit, disused household appliances and mass-market tchotchkes pile up and bog him down. He traveled light.

There’s another aspect of Lent and other seasonal observances demand: almsgiving. It’s charitable giving that puts the needs of others ahead of your own — sharing your time, money and material possessions with others, and especially those less fortunate. can help with this. Once you’ve #decluttered and gathered up the things you don’t want, contact us for a #free #donation #pickup. We’ll take those lightly used goods and resell them to #help the nation’s #veterans.

Once you see the results from your Lenten sacrifice, decluttering could become a lifelong habit. Have a safe and happy Lent!

Honest Abe Had a Problem With Clutter

As a young lawyer, Abraham Lincoln “was a frightfully #messy person” who stored important speeches in his hat in order to not lose them in the #clutter, according to President Lincoln’s Cottage. “Papers, briefs, letters and notes scattered to the four corners of his office,” and his desk had an envelope on it marked, “When you can’t find it anywhere else, look into this.” As revered as Lincoln is for his accomplishments as president, take advantage of this Presidents Day to clear your desk or another space of space of clutter — and donate any lightly used #stuff to #PresidentsDay

Sports Fandom and Clothing Donations

This weekend, Super Bowl LVIII will kick off in Las Vegas, pitting the AFC champion Kansas City Chiefs against the NFC champion San Francisco 49ers. Whichever team takes the prize, it will almost certainly be a drag-out contest punctuated by multimillion-dollar ads, star-studded halftime entertainment and celebrity cameos.

Throughout the season, sports fans spend a lot of money to support their favorite teams — buying expensive tickets to live games; celebrating with tailgate parties, at home and in bars; and sporting their team’s colors religiously on game days and other occasions. Licensed fan apparel is a $40 billion business worldwide, and that’s not the only merch out there.

If you’re a sports fan, chances are that you have a cherished jersey with a favorite player’s number and name on the back — or maybe several. You may complement this with other wardrobe items such as a stocking cap, sweats and other items in the team colors, and you may have spent quite a bit to share your allegiance.

But like anything, even a premium jersey can outlive its usefulness. Perhaps you gained or lost weight since you bought that jersey or have a new favorite for game-day wear. Maybe it was a gift that wasn’t on the mark, or maybe you have one jersey too many. Or maybe you started following a different team altogether (!), making that particular piece of apparel a relic of the past. can help. If you have fan apparel that you’d like to get rid of but is still in usable condition, #donate it! Schedule a #free #donation #pickup, and one of our drivers will come get your disused fan gear and other household items at the designated time and date.

Conversely, if you need a good piece of fan gear for game day or general wear, the #thrift and #secondhand stores supplied by generous #donations to often stock lots of logoed items from area teams at prices that are a fraction of what such items cost to buy new.

Whether you #donate fan gear, buy it used or both, the proceeds from #donations and resale fund valuable programs that support the nations #veterans. And that’s a team everyone can get behind.