If you have a lot of #stuff laying around that goes unused, Labor Day weekend is a great time to weed some of it out. Pick one of the three days and get to work: Go room to room with boxes, bins and a garbage can, selecting things to give away, sell and trash. You’ll likely be able to fill those bins with #junk you don’t want or need in just a few minutes or hours. Take that stuff and throw a #garage sale to make some extra cash, or simply contact ClothingDonations.org for a free #donation pickup to get it out of your sight quickly and help fund programs that help the nation’s many #veterans. #LaborDay
Tag: declutter
Kick Back at Home for Labor Day
For a truly relaxing Labor Day, try kicking back at home. Take that extra day to do something you don’t ordinarily have time for, such as a #cookout, movie night, or a #household project or #renovation, says home designer Stanley Martin. “House projects may not be as relaxing as a holiday by the pool, but they certainly are rewarding. Select a project or two that you’re confident can be completed within the long weekend and get started.” Depending on your situation and needs, small projects with a big payoff include #decluttering, landscaping and painting. Whatever you choose, make time to relax afterward. #LaborDay
School May Be in Session, But Summer Isn’t Over
This week, schools throughout the country are welcoming students back for another year. A few kids may not be ready to let the carefree, lazy days of the seasonal break go, of course, and may complain loudly that “summer’s over.”
#Summer is far from over, though, especially for anyone who isn’t in school. The start of school may be a harbinger of cooler climes to come, but there’s still a month to go before the vernal equinox — and plenty of warm weather left to enjoy.
Now’s the time to kick that summer fun into high gear! Have you gotten in any of your favorite outdoor activities, such as camping, fishing, boating, kayaking or swimming? Have you taken the opportunity to picnic in a park or cook out?
Maybe you’re more indoorsy — or a temporary heat “dome” is encouraging you to stay inside. Beat the heat at an indoor matinee. Or take on a household project such as #decluttering your wardrobe or #redecorating a room, Apartment Therapy suggests.
There’s still time to schedule an end-of-summer trip, too. September and October are beautiful months to visit many northern climates and see the leaves change color, and it’s still hot enough in the south and the tropics to swim and sunbathe.
If you opt to #organize and #declutter, there’s still time to schedule and stage a #garage sale. Set aside your castoff clothing and household goods and tag them. Pick a weekend and post signage directing shoppers to your door; you’ll have extra pocket money in no time.
If that sounds like too much work for your precious summer days, you can always schedule a free #donation #pickup at ClothingDonations.org to effortlessly relieve yourself of that #extra #stuff while supporting valuable #veterans programs.
Whatever you choose, there’s a lot of summer left to do it. Even the Labor Day holiday isn’t the limit — and if you have kids, they’ll be at school, leaving you much of the day to concentrate on personal and professional needs. Start planning what’s left of summer now!
Observing National Give Something Away Day
July 15 is National Give Something Away Day, a calendar holiday launched in 2015 that invites people everywhere to #give something — anything — to friends, family and the less fortunate; be more aware of one’s carbon footprint; and practice mindful consumerism. Lofty goals!
But don’t hesitate — National Give Something Away Day is easy to observe. All you have to do is exercise some generosity with your money and possessions, and maybe reduce the number of things you own in the process.
For example, if you have an article of clothing, a knickknack or a piece of jewelry that a family member or friend might like better or get more use from, give it to them. Even #giving something as small as a compliment qualifies.
Consider giving the gift of time by volunteering at a local nonprofit such as an animal shelter, food bank or veterans home. Help an elderly neighbor with their yardwork or shopping. Donate needed supplies to a homeless shelter, school or charitable organization.
To make giving really easy, do a wholesale #decluttering and give a bunch of things away all at once. Go through a drawer, closet or room and sort out the things you don’t need; you may be surprised at how much you can do without.
“The world can always use more kindness and generosity,” says Mostly Mindful. “Why not view the day as an opportunity to give the things you no longer need to someone who could use them? After all, there’s no point keeping something if it’s just gathering dust.”
Put that extra stuff in bags or boxes and contact ClothingDonations.org for a free #donation #pickup. You’ll be celebrating National Give Something Away Day while funding programs that provide the nation’s #veterans with food, health care and other sustaining programs.
Giving is a simple act that can brighten another person’s day and effect real, positive change. Observe National Give Something Away Day to get started, and seek out ways to #give throughout the year. #NationalGiveSomethingAwayDay
Free Yourself From a Lifetime of Clutter
The latest word in #decluttering advice is “death cleaning,” a no-holds-barred strategy to get rid of unnecessary belongings that can be undertaken long before the ultimate demise forces family members to do it on one’s behalf. In The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family From a Lifetime of Clutter, artist Margareta Magnusson asks readers to embrace #minimalism to put things in order for good. It can be a difficult but invigorating process, and the book is an entertaining beach read for any aspiring #declutterer with aging family members. When you’re done reading and #decluttering, contact ClothingDonations.org for a free donation pickup! #SummerReading