When Mom Is Reluctant to Let Go

The problem with helping a parent #downsize is that you likely don’t have the same attachment to their #stuff. If Mom is reluctant to let go of the #things she doesn’t need, consider hiring a professional #declutterer, The Guardian says. They can offer a detached viewpoint and keep the #downsizing process on track. You may also ask parents to #donate their items to a favorite charity so that they know their stuff is going to a good cause rather than into a landfill. That’s where ClothingDonations.org can help; the free service will pick up lightly used clothing and other household items and resell them to fund veterans programs nationwide. #MothersDay #HelpMomDownsize

Downsizing May Get Emotional for Mom

If your mother is getting older, it may be time to consider #downsizing before she needs to move to a smaller space or assisted living facility. #Downsizing can be emotional, says the Wellspring Center for prevention; the process takes time and energy, and Mom might be attached to her #things and the #memories they hold. Instead of rushing things, set aside several weeks or months to accomplish a thorough #decluttering. “Don’t force your parents to purge more than they are comfortable with in one sitting, especially if they have memory issues. Our brains can only make so many decisions before we hit a wall.” #HelpMomDownsize #MothersDay

Help Mom Declutter and Downsize

You can take Mom to brunch or otherwise celebrate her this Mother’s Day (May 12), but you can also do her a favor: Start helping her #declutter and #downsize. Her family home is likely the repository of decades of family memories, photos and other #memorabilia, and she probably could use some assistance in #organizing that legacy. Plus, she will appreciate the quality time you spend together sorting through that #stuff and streamlining her space. You’ll score major cheese points if you volunteer to do a few other #organizing and decorating chores such as framing family photos or hanging shelves. #HelpMomDownsize #MothersDay

Organize the Spaces That Often Get Neglected

Even the most organized people have areas they neglect to #organize and #declutter, Real Homes says. These areas likely include the #junk drawer — that catch-all space that holds everything pens to pills to old phones. The pantry is another area that gathers random items (sometimes in multiples) and must be #cleaned and #organized regularly to avoid eating expired foodstuffs. Linen closets should contain only the towels and bedding you actually use, not the many backups used for cleaning or guests. Instead of neglecting these spaces, tackle them before everything else, professional organizers suggest.

Organize the Hidden Areas That Spring Cleaning Missed

You may think you’ve done a thorough #spring #cleaning, Houzz says, but you may have missed some areas that tend to attract lots of #clutter. Living room cupboards, coffee tables and sideboards can fill up with stuff you don’t need, such as old DVDs, candles, menus and flyers, decorative objects, photos, and assorted electronic devices. The home-office desk attracts paperwork, bills and other items that need to be hidden quickly, as does the bedside table. The food storage container cabinet in your kitchen is probably crammed with old and mismatched bowls and lids, and every home has a “dump zone” where incoming goods get dropped.