The first step in #decorating a room that’s #clutter-free in the long term is to pick a good paint color, says The Simplicity Habit — a calm tone if you need a space to relax or a more vibrant one if you want to feel energized. Less is more when it comes to artwork; better one large piece than a mishmash “gallery wall.” A right-sized rug really can tie the room together, along with pillows and throws. Be patient when decorating; find the colors you like and the pieces you want rather than decorating for decorating’s sake, and you’ll be happier with the end result. #DeclutteringDécor
Tag: decor
Declutter to Decorate a Space You Love
It’s difficult to create a living space that you love, says The Décor Fix. The problem is usually “trying to add to your space without first subtracting.” If you’re serious about #decorating, you first have to #declutter. Eliminate any unwanted or unnecessary items — anything that you no longer like or wouldn’t notice missing. Once you get these things out of the way, you should be better able to display the #stuff you do like, giving it an opportunity to shine. You might even feel more calm if you reveal a little bit of white space on your walls and some room on your side tables. #DeclutteringDécor
Store Your Seasonal Décor Items Sensibly
Do you like your home’s décor to match the seasons? You aren’t alone, but all of those time-specific decorative items take up space, whether on #display or in #storage. To head off #clutter, get #organized and save time, sort seasonal décor items into dedicated, labeled storage boxes as you remove them from display suing a “move-out” method, says Apartment Therapy. Remove every item that doesn’t fit the incoming theme and assess whether any items “need repair, replacement or retirement.” #Store the things you plan to #reuse and #donate any lightly used items you no longer need to #DeclutteringDécor
Declutter Your Decor, One Room at a Time
To #declutter your #décor, take things one room at a time, Nourishing Minimalism suggests. Take every #decorative item down and pile them in the middle of the floor. Briefly examine each to figure out if you actually like it, or if you’re displaying it for some other reason. Sort the things that “spark joy” (as #organizing guru Marie Kondo would say) into one pile, and those that don’t into another. Add items back into the room, starting with your favorites. When you reach the “sweet spot” of just enough/not too much decoration, stop and sort the remaining items into two piles: keep/store/repurpose and #donate. #DeclutteringDécor
Do a Pre-Holiday Decluttering
It may be hard to believe, but the #holidays are right around the corner! Two weeks from now, you’ll be enjoying a #Thanksgiving feast; then, it’s on to the big shopping and gift grabs of the Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa season.
Do yourself a favor, and #declutter ahead of those holiday events. Whether you’re going to be hosting or not, #streamlining your home and weeding out your extra #stuff will help you get ready for seasonal #celebrations with less stress.
Start with the #kitchen. You may be baking cookies, contributing a side dish to the potluck or hosting a family feast. Go through your cabinets and drawers, and pull out anything that’s broken, cracked or chipped. #Trash and #recycle these items immediately.
If you find anything you haven’t used in more than a year or is ever-so-slightly less than perfect but still could be of use to someone, set it aside in a box or bag and #schedule a #free #donation #pickup with
Before you know it, your kitchen will be streamlined and ready to churn out that green-bean casserole or roast turkey with no fuss. Why? Because you’ll be able to find the cooking tools, serving dishes and dinnerware you need quickly because you’ve eliminated the #clutter!
Next, do the same thing as you get any #holiday #décor items out of #storage. Are some of your table linens worn and stained? Are those strings of twinkly lights half-lit? Clean and fix them if you can, and #trash them if you can’t. And again, you can #donate anything that no longer makes the cut.
“I love a good declutter before the holiday season,” professional organizer Carly Adams told Real Simple. “The best time to #declutter and #tidy the spaces you’ll be using to #host guests is before the social expectations of the holidays are here.”
Prepare your home for the holidays now! With a quick #decluttering, you’ll be able to everything you really need faster, reduce the stress surrounding holiday gatherings and have a happier holiday season. #HolidayDeclutttering