Take Advantage of the Independence Day Sales

Fourth of July is a good excuse for the nation’s retailers to put their most #summery merchandise on sale — and most of those sales will continue through the extra-long weekend. Big retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, Lowe’s and REI are slashing prices on grills, outdoor furniture and camping gear, CBS News reports. The Organizing Blog doesn’t advocate unnecessary spending or accumulating lots of #stuff, but if you need something and find a great price, treat yourself! Otherwise, look to #recycle and #reuse whenever possible by donating the things you don’t need to ClothingDonations.org. #FourthOfJuly #IndependenceDay

Happy Fourth of July From ClothingDonations.org!

The Fourth of July commemorates the day the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the new nation’s Declaration of Independence in 1776, according to Constitution Facts. The date was also printed on the official handwritten copy ratified in August 1776 and the printed facsimiles that were circulated throughout the United States. But the landmark document proved controversial, and Independence Day #celebrations were rare until founding fathers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died within hours of each other July 4, 1826. It wasn’t until 1870 that Congress finally declared July 4 to be a national holiday. ClothingDonations.org wishes you a safe and happy Fourth of July on the nation’s 248th Birthday! #FourthOfJuly #IndependenceDay

Decorating for the Fourth Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive

It’s easy to decorate for the Fourth of July #celebration without spending a lot of #money, says Fun, Cheap or Free. Paper chains, balloons and bunting; bouquets of dyed carnations; and other inexpensive red, white and blue decorations from the discount or #thrift store can contribute to the festive atmosphere. Fly the flag, wear #patriotic colors and feature red, white and blue foods at your cookout such as cupcakes with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries — or just stock up on #American #flag toothpicks for your sandwiches and burgers. As night falls, settle in and enjoy the #fireworks. #FourthOfJuly #IndependenceDay

Congrats to the Dads & Grads

June is the month of #dads and #grads. Different accomplishments, yes — but the two events can get you #celebrating all month long.

Father’s Day is straightforward enough: You #thank dear old dad for helping raise the family. That may involve cooking a favorite meal, taking him to a game or concert, or any number of other gestures to show how much you appreciate him.

Grads are a little more complicated. You want to mark the milestone and give them a good sendoff if they’re heading to college. This often involves the ceremony, a big potluck, friends and family from various eras of their young lives, and more.

Good #gifts include anything they will need as they move toward independence with nominal life skills: air fryers, a decent set of sheets, maybe a new laptop. And just as practical, Oprah Daily says, are gift cards and cash they can spend on meals and other supplies.

If you really want to go overboard for a college-bound teen, the latest celebration idea is a college reveal party, TLC says. While are a bit controversial, the new trend often includes parties decorated in college colors, “reveal” photoshoots and mailed announcements.

New graduates should take a few days during the summer to #declutter the #stuff that has amassed over the first 18 years of their lives, Making My Way says: “You obviously can’t bring everything to college, and storing everything is just too much of a hassle.”

Want to cut the #clutter and pad your teen’s pockets before sending them off to an expensive trade school, college or university? Ask them to #organize, #declutter, and sell their excess #junk at a #garage or #yard #sale. They can keep the cash to fund the first year.

Dads can benefit from a good #decluttering, too. They usually have even more years’ worth of accumulated #stuff they can afford to part with, and some of them may be getting older and need to #downsize.

You can always #donate that extra #stuff to ClothingDonations.org — and that donation will help fund valuable #veterans programs. Best wishes to the dads and grads this month!

Breaking With the Decluttering Trends

We at The Organizing Blog like to think that we’re a respected authority in the #decluttering knowledge space, continually lending tips and strategies to get your home and life in order while #donating the things you don’t need to a worthy cause.

We weren’t the first on the scene, of course, and we won’t be the last — dozens of experts and gurus have made careers out of helping people #declutter, and there are as many trendy strategies to help people #minimize and #organize their excess #stuff.

While the scholarship agrees that a #clean and #organized home environment is optimal for one’s mood and health, today we’re going to remind readers that there is no single “right” way to tackle the problem. The right way to #declutter is the way that works for you.

“Decluttering is very much a personal process — it’s your home and your belongings,” says Homes & Gardens. “Some may find it harder than others, preferring a more gentle approach to a more ruthless one, and vice versa.”

For example, Marie Kondo’s much-vaunted KonMari method asks you to sort every category of possession, keeping only the things that “spark joy.” But consider the lowly vegetable peeler: It probably does not spark joy, but it is undeniably useful — and you can feel good about holding onto it.

Some #organizing schemes are just too gimmicky to keep up, Apartment Therapy says. For example, you may overlabel your stuff. You might buy too many organizing products. Or you may be too meticulous about folding and sorting small items such as socks and underwear, wasting time and energy on a single drawer.

Because #organization and #clutter are widespread challenges, the clutterati will keep inventing new ways to deal with them. Try one or invent your own. The strategy that works for you — the one that you can follow and get results — is the best to follow.