Pricing Your Garage-Sale Stuff to Move

When pricing goods for a garage or yard sale, you need to hit a “sweet spot” where it’s difficult for potential buyers to walk away, while still paying enough to make it worth your while. Price everything before the sale begins, The Spruce says, and use color-coded stickers to discern between multiple sellers. Sticker everything individually—unless you have a box full of similar items such as books, records or DVDs. And finally, write “FIRM” on any item’s price you aren’t willing to haggle on.

Getting Started on Your Garage Sale

Having a garage, tag or yard sale is one of the best ways to get rid of the clutter and make a few extra bucks at the same time. Start by going through the house room by room and sorting everything into keep, sell and donate piles, advises the Wholefully blog. As you complete each room, price everything in the sell pile and move it to a staging area for the big day. Then, contact to make an appointment (or two) to pick up the extra stuff you want to donate, and whatever stuff doesn’t sell.

Stage a Successful Memorial Day Garage Sale

A few of Café Mom’s top 10 secrets to a successful Memorial Day garage sale are location, good signage, fair prices, clean stuff, advertising and organization. Also, don’t put something out if you don’t really want to sell it, the story says, and don’t be seller who tries to sell the same things every weekend. Be ready to haggle if you want to make some quick cash, and if something doesn’t sell, “either throw it out or (if you think it’s really good), donate it.”

A New Home For Your Old Things!

Finding garage sale items a home. If there are still items that weren’t sold at your garage sale this year, don’t bring them back into your home. Again, donate them to us if they’re in good shape. Your donations will help fund our veterans programs. Any gently used clothes, accessories, or books are greatly appreciated!