The Benefits of Mulching in the Fall

#Mulching is often a job that #gardeners perform in the #spring to maintain their beds’ moisture, keep weeds at bay and retard erosion. But many landscaping professionals also advise mulching in the #fall for the same purposes, HGTV says. Adding #mulch in the fall insulates the soil to provide a warm environment for earthworms and microbes that improve soil, and it insulates plant roots, which can protect seedlings that are still getting established. Plus, mulching in the fall may save you time during the busy spring planting season — and the weather likely won’t be as hot and sticky when you do it. #FallGardeningTips

Prep Your Garden for Spring in the Fall

With the start of #fall last weekend, many #home #gardeners across the country are starting to see their vegetable harvests slow and their flowers start to fade. That means it’s a good time to clean up and prep the #garden for the next growing season. First, remove any plants that show signs of weakness or disease, says EarthEasy, and any invasive weeds. Then, allow the healthy plants to die and decay naturally to enrich your soil. You may also choose to plant a cover crop such as rye, clover or barley and till those plants under in the spring to return valuable nutrients to the soil for all of your plantings. #FallGardeningTips

Enjoying the Bounty of a Summer Garden

For many people, there’s nothing like growing your own food. It’s healthy, cost-effective, #sustainable and above all, delicious! And if you followed some of The Organizing Blog’s previous #gardening tips, you’re probably drowning in fresh summer produce right now.

What to do with all of those garden-fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, melons, peaches and other delicacies is the question. If you’re anything like us, you planted with abandon eight to 10 weeks ago, and now must do whatever you can to make the most of that fresh produce.

One way is to share some of that bounty with friends, family and neighbors who don’t have the same amount or variety of produce. Whether they have the space or the ambition to grow their own fresh food or not, nobody is going to turn their nose up at a ripe heirloom tomato.

Another way to take advantage of summer’s bounty is to try a new recipe (or several). Base your meal plan on whatever produce you have in abundance, and you may wind up discovering a dish that you can revisit again even in the off-season.

Speaking of the off-season, there are plenty of ways to keep and store some of that produce for cloudier and colder days. Too many tomatoes? Make and freeze some marinara for a lasagna. Got lots of corn? Cut it off the cob and freeze the kernels in bagged portions for anytime use.

Many summer fruits and vegetables can be processed, portioned and frozen quickly for later use including peaches, plums, watermelon and peppers. Got bumper crop of basil? Make pesto ice cubes and pull one out any time you need to flavor a pasta or meat dish.

Freezing summer produce can make it last up to six months, but if you really want to put things up like the pioneers, try your hand at home canning. It’s simpler than it sounds, and you can make tons of sauces, pickles and jams that you can tap into for months — or give as gifts.

Even if you didn’t grow your own fruits and vegetables this year, don’t let summer’s bounty go to waste. Visit a local farmers market to get some of the freshest, healthiest foods you’ll taste all year. (And get enough to share!)

Plant a Garden for Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day coincides with the ideal time to plant a #garden in many areas of the United States, so one good great gift idea is to get some flowers and plant them for a beautiful gift she can enjoy for months, says Life With Less Mess. If Mom is more of a food lover or home chef, plant a vegetable garden with some of her favorite produce items instead, so she has free access to healthy herbs, radishes, lettuce, squash and tomatoes. She will remember the day every time she sees a flower bloom or picks a pepper, making your gift one that keeps on giving. #MothersDay

Plan Garden Plots Before You Plant

For best results, it pays to plan your spring #garden ahead of time, says Home for the Harvest. First, decide whether you’ll be #planting in the ground, in raised beds or in containers (look for these at #thrift stores supplied by your generous donations to — or a mix of all three settings. Then, use a garden planner to draw a layout detailing all of the #flower and #vegetable plots, and make a calendar of each variety’s ideal seeding, planting, maintenance, and bloom or harvest dates. Leave space in the planner for your notes and observations; they’ll come in handy next year if you make #gardening an annual event. #GardeningTips