If you choose to start seeds for your garden, use a seed-starting kit with multiple cells for seedlings and add a grow light and/or heat mat for a technical assist. Or you can start seeds in “practically anything,” says HGTV. Use newspaper pots, disused seed trays, cardboard tubes, used cans and jugs, egg cartons or eggshells as containers. Just remember to label your pots or rows so you know what’s growing. Give seeds warmth, wetness and indirect sunlight Once the seedlings poke through the soil, move them to a sunny window ledge or greenhouse environment to mature into transplantable starters. #StartingSeeds
Tag: planting
Start Some Easy-to-Grow Seedlings
If this is your first year starting plants from seed, start small, Gardeners.com says. Easy-to-start vegetables include herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli and leafy greens such as spinach, kale and lettuce; easy flowering plants include cosmos, zinnias, marigolds and sunflowers. Fussier seeds require a temperature change to trigger the end of dormancy and germinate; the good news is that many of these are perennials that will return year after year in your garden. Whatever you choose, be sure that soil and air temperatures don’t ruin your carefully cultivated seedlings; schedule transplant according to the final frost date in your area. #StartingSeeds
Give Seedlings Plenty of Light
As you start to care for your homegrown seedlings, be sure to give them plenty of light — 12 to 16 hours per day. Mist the plants once or twice daily to keep them moist, and try a greenhouse-style covered tray to maintain light dampness. “If your seeds dry out, they won’t germinate, but if they stay too wet, they could rot,” says Swanson Nursery. When your seeds sprout, thin them to concentrate growing energy on the strongest. Once they have several leaves and a week or two before the transplant, “harden” your seedlings by giving them a few hours of outdoor time in a shady or protected spot every day. #StartingSeeds
Start Your Summer Seeds Indoors
Starting seeds indoors can save money over buying plants, and the time to start is now! Depending on your plant hardiness zone, you can determine when you’ll need to plant seedlings outdoors and work backward from that date. Many plants need about six weeks to grow from seed to outdoor starter, so if you start this week, plants should be ready by May 1. Simply sow your seeds in soil or seed starter in a tray or small container, planting them only as deep as the seed is large. You can replant harder seedlings such as broccoli and onions as soon as two weeks before your area’s final frost. #StartingSeeds
A Good Time to Plant (and Plan) the Garden
Your first #fall gardening task should be to make an honest assessment of what worked and what didn’t, Proven Winners says, to create a plan for next year. Then, remove annuals from containers and landscapes and store pots away for winter. Still-warm soil promotes healthy root growth, however, so this is a good time to plant trees, shrubs and bulbs. You can also divide perennials and cut them back, but leave the pruning for spring. Most of the excess foliage can go in a compost pile, but be alert to disease and infestation — you don’t want to risk reintroducing blight into your garden next spring. #FallGardeningTips