Organizational Accessories Perfect for Giving

One of the critical steps in #decluttering and #organizing is to corral all useful items into the spaces you can find them easily. Depending on the item, that may be a shelf, a drawer, a box or a bin — as long as you know where to look for it and get in a routine of putting things in their proper places, you’ll never be left wondering where something is. Whatever you or the people on your #gift list have trouble organizing — tools, jewelry, hats, closets, spices or life in general — That’s Why I’m Broke offers 33 accessories that can keep #clutter in check and perfect for #holiday giving. #GiftsToConquerClutter

Give a Gift That Cuts the Clutter

If you have a friend or family member who struggles with #clutter, consider giving them a #holiday #gift that helps get #organized. Good Housekeeping recommends a variety of #containers, #organizers, packing cubes and #storage bins that will help organize everything from charging cables to kitchen implements to yard tools, plus a labelmaker that can help put a name to the place. Once the essentials are organized and stored in a reliable spot, it’s easy to determine what’s extra and inessential — and those things can be #decluttered and #donated to benefit the nation’s #veterans through

When You Need Nothing, Declutter

If you’re anything like the authors of the The Organizing Blog, you don’t really want any thing for Christmas. That’s when you know that the #clutter has gotten to be too much. You need to step back, take a hard look at what you have, and decide — item by item — what can stay and go. Maybe you have enough base layers, sweaters and coats for winter, and you really wear only a tiny portion of them. Or you might have enough glasses and dinnerware to host dozens at your #holiday dinner party, but rarely have more a half-dozen people over at a time. Sort that #stuff into “use” and “don’t-use” piles, and schedule a #donation #pickup with

Do a Pre-Holiday Decluttering

It may be hard to believe, but the #holidays are right around the corner! Two weeks from now, you’ll be enjoying a #Thanksgiving feast; then, it’s on to the big shopping and gift grabs of the Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa season.

Do yourself a favor, and #declutter ahead of those holiday events. Whether you’re going to be hosting or not, #streamlining your home and weeding out your extra #stuff will help you get ready for seasonal #celebrations with less stress.

Start with the #kitchen. You may be baking cookies, contributing a side dish to the potluck or hosting a family feast. Go through your cabinets and drawers, and pull out anything that’s broken, cracked or chipped. #Trash and #recycle these items immediately.

If you find anything you haven’t used in more than a year or is ever-so-slightly less than perfect but still could be of use to someone, set it aside in a box or bag and #schedule a #free #donation #pickup with

Before you know it, your kitchen will be streamlined and ready to churn out that green-bean casserole or roast turkey with no fuss. Why? Because you’ll be able to find the cooking tools, serving dishes and dinnerware you need quickly because you’ve eliminated the #clutter!

Next, do the same thing as you get any #holiday #décor items out of #storage. Are some of your table linens worn and stained? Are those strings of twinkly lights half-lit? Clean and fix them if you can, and #trash them if you can’t. And again, you can #donate anything that no longer makes the cut.

“I love a good declutter before the holiday season,” professional organizer Carly Adams told Real Simple. “The best time to #declutter and #tidy the spaces you’ll be using to #host guests is before the social expectations of the holidays are here.”

Prepare your home for the holidays now! With a quick #decluttering, you’ll be able to everything you really need faster, reduce the stress surrounding holiday gatherings and have a happier holiday season. #HolidayDeclutttering

How to Store Your Off-Season Stuff

If you live in an area where the #seasons change, you probably have multiple wardrobes based on the outdoor temperature: shorts and T-shirts for #summer, corduroys and coats for winter, and multiple layers for everything in-between. That demands a lot of #storage #space.

If you’re a person who is blessed with giant walk-in #closets dedicated to different seasons, you won’t have any concerns. But in terms of #clutter, it never hurts to pare the #wardrobe down to the things you actually wear and have them at the ready when the weather dictates.

Many of us perform a biannual swapout to prepare for the new season — or at least we should. Otherwise, you’ll need to sort through your swimwear in order to find your favorite sweater, and vice-versa. Take advantage of the change in seasons to #organize and edit your #clothing.

“Before you put anything in storage, you must take stock of your current off-season inventory,” says The Home Edit. “Editing will give you the opportunity to reevaluate your wardrobe to clear space and start fresh.”

Set aside anything that doesn’t fit, doesn’t fit quite right or fits uncomfortably. Set aside any items you haven’t worn in more than a year. Now’s the best time to get rid of any summer #clothes that didn’t get worn since the season and what you wore is fresh in your mind.

Next, sort the #stuff you want to wear during the #fall and #winter into the easiest-access #storage real estate — those shelves, hangers and hooks that you see as soon as you open the closet door. Do the same edit on the incoming fall goods, setting aside anything you can’t envision wearing.

Store the off-season “keepers” separately from the incoming season’s must-haves. That might mean a high shelf, under the bed or in the basement; just try to make sure those garments are protected from moisture, mold, mildew and insects.

Finally, bag your lightly used set-asides and #donate them to by scheduling a #free #donation #pickup. Any damaged or stained garments can be thrown directly into the trash or shredded into rags.

#Streamlining clothing storage with the change of seasons will pay off by keeping your drawers and closets #clutter-free. What’s more, you’ll save lots of time by being able to find what you want to wear when you want to wear it, all season long.