Men: Stay Stylish, Not Sweaty

Men who want to stay stylish in the summer heat should opt for fabrics that breathe such as cotton and linen, says Real Men Real Style, but equally important is the weave used. Jeans may be all-cotton, for example, but they’re usually too heavy to wear in comfort when the temperatures reach the 90s; instead, choose poplin, seersucker and madras. Silk and synthetic fabrics tend to trap moisture and heat, making them poor choices. Whatever the occasion, the story adds, a straw hat can protect your skin from sun damage and discomfort by making its own shade.

Dressing for the Summer Sun

Hot, humid weather is gripping much of the nation. To maintain relative comfort during summer outings, pick the lightest-weight fabrics and colors, Stitch Fix says. Think shorts, light skirts and sleeveless tops in whites and pastels, and fabrics that breathe such as cotton, linen and rayon. “Take a take a pass on polyester (not known for its breathability) and silk,” the story says, and opt for loose-fitting clothes to keep those sweat stains away. Seersucker and eyelet weaves are solid choices for summer.

Helping Kids Cope With Summer’s End

Whether your kids look forward to the beginning of school year or not, they’re likely to have some wistful feelings about summer’s end. You can help ease the transition into fall by getting them on a schedule and involving them in the planning, Parents magazine says. Young schoolchildren may not realize why the end of summer makes them feel sad or anxious, so parents should not only listen carefully to what their kids are saying, but also watch their behavior. And it’s not too late to have an “official” end-of-summer cookout or bonfire to commemorate its best moments.

Grill Vegetables the Right Way

Vegetables can be difficult to get right on the grill. But if done correctly, they will bring healthy and delicious dishes to your cookout. According to Cook’s Illustrated, asparagus should be grilled five to seven minutes with a single turn. Corn can be grilled for eight to 10 minutes with one layer of husk on, and eggplant and zucchini take about the same time when sliced into rounds or planks. Portobello mushrooms should be brushed with oil and grilled eight to ten minutes; skewered onions, 10 to 12 minutes. Pretreat your grates by brushing them with olive oil for the best results, and enjoy!

Good Grilling Requires Timing

Good grilling requires timing and patience. Once the coals are ready, it’s time to grill, Country Living says, so have condiments, plates, drinks and other necessities ready to go before you begin. Close the lid to make meats tender while cooking them thoroughly, and resist the urge to constantly turn, poke or prod items as they sear. Always keep raw meats and vegetables separate, and impart flavor by using glazes and hardwoods. Finally, use a thermometer to check temperatures and remove foods from the grill just shy of done; they will continue to cook while being plated and served.