More Ways to Help Veterans Ahead of the Holidays

If you didn’t get the chance to celebrate Veterans Day before the weekend, now is a great time to visit a nearby veterans cemetery to put flowers, a wreath or a miniature flag on a grave — or help volunteer to tend to some of the graves before winter sets in. You can also adopt a veteran family for the holidays or make a donation to the Vietnam Veterans of America and to help veterans in need during the holidays. They will appreciate your thoughts any time of year.

Ask a Veteran About Their Service

Happy Veterans Day! While in-person visits to the VA hospital may be restricted this year, you can still thank a veteran with a phone call, letter, or email. And if you know a veteran personally, today is a great day to ask them about their service, says. Ask what they did while in the service, how long they served, and what their favorite memories were from that time. If the veteran you know saw combat, however, be aware that some questions may bring back bad memories — be supportive, not intrusive.

Celebrate Veterans Day at the Proper Distance

There are a lot of ways to celebrate Veterans Day, but with COVID-19 being a risk to so many elders, you should probably do so at a comfortable distance. Some cities will still hold Veterans Day parades on Nov. 11 if you wish to don a mask and attend in person, according to; or you can live-stream the New York Veterans Parade and other virtual events from your laptop or smartphone. Either way, you can celebrate the men and women who sacrificed to keep the country free and safe. #ThankAVeteran

Thank a Veteran for the Three-Day Weekend

Lots of people get Veterans Day off, making 2019’s observance into a three-day weekend. You can use some of that extra time to visit a retired veteran in a retirement home, or write a letter to a current service member. You can volunteer to help a veteran neighbor with their fall yardwork (as this blogger plans to do), or weed out some of your old, unused clothing and household items and donate them to, simultaneously helping fund veterans programs around the country while streamlining your space. However you choose to observe the holiday, the nation’s veterans appreciate your support!

Discounts Thank Veterans for Their Service

One way businesses salute the nation’s veterans and current service members is to offer them special discounts on Veterans Day. Chains such as Baker’s Square, Red Robin and California Pizza Kitchen offer a free meal with proof of service, while retailers such as Walgreen’s, Dollar General, Target and Publix will offer percent-off and other deals over the long weekend. What’s more, the national parks will waive admission for everyone this Veterans Day — and give disabled veterans free Lifetime Access Passes in gratitude for their service.