A Few Things Donations Helped Fund

When you donate to ClothingDonations.org, you do more than get rid of unwanted stuff quickly and easily; you also help address the needs of the nation’s veterans. The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) uses proceeds from the resale of donated goods and other fundraising efforts to contribute to veterans’ programs of all kinds nationwide.
For example, VVA funds helped co-host a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Town Hall in Asheville, N.C., last year to connect area veterans with crucial counseling and support services. Almost one-third of veterans who served in Vietnam have suffered from PTSD at some point since serving, and veterans of the Gulf Wars are likely just as susceptible.
In New York, VVA Chapter 11 helps veterans in trouble with the law manage mental health issues and re-adjust to civilian life through the Suffolk County Veterans Court. Mentors from the VVA-funded diversionary program have helped hundreds of at-risk veterans address criminal charges, convictions, substance abuse and other issues in the six years since it was launched.
VVA fundraising has now helped recognize every single veteran of the Vietnam War living in Indiana through the “Quilts of Valor” program, established in 2003. And in San Angelo, Texas, a Vietnam-era helicopter is being restored to mark the city’s Vietnam War Memorial after suffering non-combat damage at the city’s Fourth of July celebration last year.
So, whether you already took advantage of Presidents Day to start your spring cleaning or are just figuring out where to begin, know that all of that stuff you’re going to be giving away goes toward good causes—causes that help those who have served throughout the country. VVA appreciates your support!