Calling all Ghosts and Goblins: Consider Donating To Us This Year!

Welcome to October, everyone! For many of you, the air is crisp and the leaves are changing and slowly falling to the ground, meaning fall is here to stay. One of the telltale signs of October is the abundant Halloween candy displays in grocery stores. Parents are out buying or making new Halloween costumes for their trick-or-treaters, and planning costume parties for their friends.
While some people will trick-or-treat for candy, will be more than happy to trick-or-treat for your donations this year. All you need to do is fill a bag or box that’s clearly marked with the word “donations.” Have Halloween costumes that your children have outgrown? Have decorations that you no longer have space to display? Donate them to us.
Thinking further ahead, some parts of the country will be experiencing winter before we know it. Take a look in closets and storage bins that contain sweaters, coats, snow pants, hats and mittens. Try these items on and see if they still fit. If they don’t, add them to your donation box or bag. Have children’s books that your own children have outgrown? Add them to the donation pile, too! We know of plenty of people who would really enjoy having these clothes or books.
Once you have your donation bag filled, go to our online donation pick-up request form. Then, leave your donations out near your mail box. We’ll swing by and pick them up, making this a rewarding and stress-free experience for you!