Fall Fashion 2018: Out With the Old

Fall fashion

Every September, the fashion industry introduces its new styles for the fall season. And while annual “fashion weeks” throughout the world serve largely to drive consumer demand for clothing manufacturers and retailers, most people like to express their personalities through what they wear and get a genuine sense of excitement from buying something new.

This year, the Elle trendspotters positioned at the edge of the runways say, “power red” will be huge. Western-style details will be common on everything from blouses to boots, and 1970s plaids will be back alongside futuristic “athleisure suits.” There will be “couch” florals, Victorian collars, fishnets and lots of velvet.

Vogue says the ’80s will be back in a big way, with designers showing off garments with big shoulders and neon colors. Fashions featuring sporty looks and logos will make their way to market, as well as oversized utilitarian outerwear, chain-mail dresses, shaggy furs, and lots and lots of scarves.

In other words, there’s a lot for the everyday fashionista to like in 2018.

Most of the trendsetting runway styles are already being adapted for people who can’t afford to spend thousands on a couture garment. Within weeks — maybe days — of the designer debuts, you’ll see ready-to-wear labels and fast-fashion retailers such as H&M adapt many of the hottest looks trends into affordable garments.

The only problem? When people go shopping and find clothes that fit their fabulous new look for fall, they don’t often throw out the old.

Your closet is probably teeming with all kinds of garments that were the tip of hip a couple of years ago, but are now no longer on your short list for daily wear. You might not wear a particular item due to a change in size, a change in styles, or because that garment just never fit into your overall scheme.

Those garments are still in your closets and dresser drawers because you formed an emotional attachment to them — a fond memory of wearing them or when you bought them, or a determination that someday, you will find a way to wear them. But right now, they’re just taking up space.

Do yourself a favor this year as you shop and integrate new styles into your wardrobe: Get rid of the old. Anything you aren’t wearing is occupying valuable real estate in your closets and mind. When you buy anything new, eliminate something old (or two of those somethings, if you really want to declutter).

Bag those lightly worn, once-fashionable rejects up and contact ClothingDonations.org for a pickup. There’s no better way to stay on-trend than to eliminate the clothing that just isn’t working for you.



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