Holiday Shopping That Won’t Break the Supply Chain

With supply chain issues affecting shipments of goods at ports worldwide and postal slowdowns in the the U.S., holiday shoppers are eagerly snapping up whatever merch they can get their hands on early in the season.

So far, few of this year’s “it” gift items are selling out — and if Black Friday and Cyber Monday were any indication, supplies of new TVs, voice assitants and other computer-enabled gadgets are meeting strong demand. But things can (and will) sell out.

If you want to satisfy everyone on your list this year, there are several ways to do so while avoiding supply chain issues:

1. Buy consumer goods now. Retailers started the shopping season early to cope with potential supply-chain issues, and regardless if those problems materialize, the best deals will disappear as shopping deadlines approach.

2. Order early to avoid delays. Dec. 11 is the last day certain retailers will guarantee delivery by Christmas due to distribution issues and shipping slowdowns. That’s a full two weeks ahead of the actual holiday, and your Prime membership may not help.

3. Give experiences instead of things. A gift certificate to a cooking class, massage therapist or local restaurant might be a thoughtful gift that doesn’t depend on the U.S. mail to arrive on-time. Digital subscriptions also deliver instant gratification.

4. Buy local, perishable and handmade. Not only will you support people and businesses in your community, but you’ll be able to sidestep any supply chain issues by buying goods and services that are already available locally.

5. Make your own. If you have a knack for sewing, woodworking or some other craft, get creative with your giving. The people on your list will appreciate a one-of-a-kind keepsake that took real effort.

6. Regift and thrift. Quality hand-me-downs make great gifts. If there’s something you own that just doesn’t get the love it would if you gave it to someone on your list, wrap it up and hand it off.

Also consider #decluttering and #donating any lightly used #clothing, household goods and other #stuff you no longer use to When you #donate used items, they are resold to fund a variety of veterans programs.

The #thrift stores that supplies are a great source of holiday swag and ready-to-gift items, too! #Resale and #reuse is the ultimate in low-impact giving. Happy shopping!



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