Prepare Your Closets — It’s Time for Spring!

Spring is all about new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s a time when the idea of “spring cleaning” elicits excitement, rather than dread or drudgery, because we know sunshine and warm weather are right around the corner. We open the windows, let in the fresh air, and begin to think about the areas around our homes that need sprucing up or decluttering. One obvious area that generally demands our attention each spring is our closet. In fact, after a long winter of bulky jackets, sweaters, and boots, it’s difficult to actually know what’s even in your closet.
Better Homes and Gardens has some great ideas for decluttering your home this spring, especially your closets. When looking through your clothes, they suggest asking yourself these three questions:
- Is it flattering?
- Do I love it?
- Does it represent who I am today?
If the answer is “no” to at least one of those questions, you should probably donate it. They also recommend cleaning your closet each fall and spring in order to keep your home feeling clean. To simplify this task, keep a laundry basket in your closet that’s designated for donations. Every so often, pick a piece of clothing that you haven’t worn in the last few months, and drop it in the donation basket. It’s that simple!
After you’ve filled your donation basket, give us a call or schedule a pickup online. We’d love to take your new and gently used clothes off your hands. And, most importantly, your donation will go to a good cause: programs that address the needs and concerns of veterans. So, fill up your donation basket, schedule a pickup, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Happy spring!